Greetings! I know it has been a long time since I've posted here, and I've reconstructed the whole look of this site ...

SEPTEMBER 7TH, 2016 We went to the Thailand, the beautiful country where we witnessed   tropical beaches, royal palaces, ancient ru...

Spending a weekend at the "City of Pines" was truly mesmerizing. When I found out that we were going back, I suddenly felt thr...

Yesterday– July 2nd– I posted a picture on instagram and I asked you(my followers) to leave some questions in the comments and I wi...

So this wasn't a "recent" vacation because we went to Guam last April and that was like err.. 2 months ago but I really w...

 I don't know why am I doing this blog post. I keep on laughing as I continue typing this but..who cares? This is my blog. So If by...

So this past month– this May, we went one of my biggest dream destinations, which is.. Japan! We've been there for eleven days whic...

  Happiness is the universal feeling to we all aspire to experience more of.  We all have different reasons why we get joy and excit...

Hello there! Guess what time it is? The end of summer is near and it's time for what we all dread about.. Back to School!! But...

So recently, from May 26th to 29th, I went to my first ever Summer Camp !! And the fact that the venue is really far from home and ...